To Clean: Prior to disinfection, thoroughly pre-clean all surfaces to be treated by removing all gross filth and heavy soil.
To Disinfect: Hold the can upright and spray from a distance of 6 to 8 inches until the area for treatment is thoroughly moistened. Allow surfaces to remain wet for 10 minutes before wiping. After disinfection, a potable water rinse is required. Do not use to disinfect appliances, refrigerator interiors, and microwave oven interiors. Do not use on dishes, glasses, or utensils
To Sanitize:Spray the surface until the entire area is thoroughly wet. Allow to remain wet for 5 minutes before wiping.
For Control of Mold and Mildew on Hard, Non-Porous Environmental Surfaces:Spray surfaces until thoroughly moistened. Allow to air dry. Repeat application in 7 days.
For Control of Trichophyton interdigitale (Athlete’s Foot Fungus)in areas such as bathrooms, locker rooms, floors, benches, shower stalls, or other non-porous environmental surfaces commonly contacted by bare feet: Spray the surface until thoroughly moistened. Allow surfaces to remain wet for 10 minutes. Allow to air dry.
For Use on :Walls, floors, bedframes, bedpans, urinals, fixtures, containers, toilet seats, diaper pails, telephones, trash cans, and sickrooms. Due to the possibility of electric shock when used on telephones, avoid excess spraying of a telephone.